Friday, June 15, 2012

Homemade Playdough!! :)

It's Here it's here it's here!! Some homemade playdough!! Are you as excited as I am!? Lately I have been into all the homemade chalk, finger paint, playdough, etc. So here's how to make your very own playdough for the kiddos! Or Yourself ;) . 
I made two batches! :) I would've made more..but I didn't have enough to make another batch. I also couldn't take pictures until it was all done and over with... So Sorry. :) But here is what you will need!

- 1 cup of flour
- 1 cup of water
- 2 teaspoons of Cream of  Tartar
- 1/3 cup of salt
- 1 tbsp of Vegetable Oil
- Food Coloring of choice
- 2 quart Saucepan 

First Mix Everything together in the saucepan without the food coloring in yet, turn on your oven burner to low/medium, and keep stirring. When it thickens a bit more...Pour the food coloring in. Keep stirring until it gets stuck around the spoon. {I used a wooden spoon}. I also suggest flipping it like a pancake so each side has an even texture. Once it's done plop it all onto a plate and let it cool. If you decide that you love this and want to make another batch just wipe done the saucepan with a sponge or napkin and repeat the process and you can use a different color. Once you are done with it just stick it into a container and put the lid on! 

That's pretty much all you have to do!! :) I hope you enjoyed this and Have a fun time playing with your new playdough!! Or....Your kiddos playing with it I should say!! ;) Thanks For Reading!

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