Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Long Time No Blog

     hello my loyal readers! I'd like to apologize probably for the millionth time for not blogging in a long time. I guess I'm one of those people who post either all the time or never at all...so sorry. I have been wrapped up in my own little world busy with so much this year. One of the reasons I haven't been posting is because one of my little dogs chewed up the charger to my mini laptop, the only source to internet other than iPhones and iPads-- and I can't stand having to blog with one of those...I've leaned onto the not liking them so much in that aspect. But have no fear, Wal-Mart is here!! - for me with a new Windows 8 laptop. I'm Uber excited. :) So hopefully soon I'll be posting something crafty to help with your creative urge to make something. But I've kind of been brain dead on this side and haven't been getting my daily Pinspiration. Anywho.....See you soon :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tied Fleece Blanket

    Hello! So, yesterday something came in the mail. It was a late birthday present...and...It was fabric for me to make my Tied Fleece Blanket!! :) I was so excited that I got started on it Right away! Here is the finished Product: ( Excuse the Bad Quality Picture Bad lighting plus Iphone Flash= No good.)

Have any of you tried making one of these? Aren't they just THE BEST!? I snuggled with it all last night haha. Anyways here is what I did if you haven't and would like to make one. 

-Fabric (One Printed and one solid color, however much fabric you want)
-A Good pair of scissors (I went through 4 trying to find one sharp enough)
-A Ruler
-Patience and Time

Okay, first you need to place the printed color on the solid and cut the corners out. I cut out 5 inches by 5 inches out of each corner. Then I cut the strips out. (Make sure your cutting both fabrics!) Cut 5 inches in to the fabric and 1 inch wide each strip. Do this on all four sides. Then tie the strips together! ( Tie the printed fabric and solid fabric under that strip together). Repeat that also on all four sides. Voila! You are done! Now go snuggle with it! It's all up to you for what you want to do with the scraps but I did this:

I did the same procedure to the scrap corners but on a smaller scale of cutting! Then I stuffed it with plush and made very mini pillows! I'm not exactly sure yet what I will do with them but I might take a hand at juggling with them! Soon I will buy more fabric and plush and just make pillows maybe...Because Tying small strips together with plush in a 5 inch square and a very tedious job. Well that's all for today!! So Long! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Gobble Gobble! I'm as happy as a turkey a day after Thanksgiving! --See what I did there? ;)
Anyways, I'm hear to tell you all that I am thankful for on this day-and every other day!

1. I am thankful for a table to set. On this day we have a privilege to sit together with the family and eat a wonderful dinner. To make it more special, we have a table to set.

2. I am thankful for the food. More Food. And more food. And more. I love food. Haha.

3. Family. That's a no-brainer. Case closed.

4. I am thankful for the ability to laugh and be happy. When times may be hard, confusing, or just plain chaotic and busy, I can still find something to make me laugh and be happy!

5. I am plainly thankful for Thanksgiving! It gives everyone a day to come together, be happy, be at the table, laugh, and eat food!! All the things I am thankful for combined into one whole day!!!

Now there's much more that I am thankful for but I don't want to list all that! Haha now if you want to tell me or just think a moment, what are you thankful for??

Saturday, September 22, 2012

DIY 365 Days Of Thanks Jar

Are yo thankful for things in your life!? Or did you have a not so lucky day?? Well, here's a craft that helps you look on the bright side!! The 365 Days of Thanks Jar. Such a simple yet effective thing in your life. All you need is....

Mason Jar.
Index Cards.
Pen (To Write With). 
Things to be thankful for! :) 

What to do anytime of the day on everyday:

Take a piece of a small index card, write the date and what your thankful for. Fold it up and write the date again(optional), then stick it in the jar. you can do this for the whole year and look back on what you were thankful for in the past year. I hope you try this out and really enjoy it like me! Bye! :) 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Roundup

Hello Again Friends! Well a few weekends ago we decided to all go camping! It involved some fishing, candy eating, reading, sandcastle making, and..well...Camping! Haha! But Along the way I got away with some..err...A lot of pictures!! Here's my best ones for September's Photo Sunday!! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tasty Last Day Of Summer Treat

Okay, so most of you are almost done with the beautiful summer, school right around the corner-Tomorrow for us. But before everyone goes back to school and farewells Summer, Here is one more Tasty Treat that you all should try before the school buses start riding down the road. 

Watermelon Smoothies 

 1 cup of  seedless watermelon 

1/2 cup Ice

However many squirts of lime juice that you want 

Take all that and start blending it in your nifty blender! Add lime juice occasionally as you blend, then Voila! 

You have a Watermelon Smoothie.

So Now go sit outside sipping on that lovely Fruit Smoothie and End This Summer Right!! :) Enjoy!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Photo Sunday

Here's today's photos!! :)  An elk we saw when I went on vacation in Colorado, the beautiful sun, and Chevrolet  :) Enjoy!